Developing A New Problem

New problems should be defined for new types of differential equations, new partial differential equations, and special subclasses of differential equations for which solvers can dispatch on for better performance.

To develop a new problem, you need to make a new DEProblem and a new DESolution. These types belong in DiffEqBase and should be exported. The DEProblem type should hold all of the mathematical information about the problem (including all of the meshing information in both space and time), and the DESolution should hold all of the information for the solution. Then all that is required is to define a __solve(::DEProblem,alg;kwargs) which takes in the problem and returns a solution.

Then to check that the algorithm works, add a dispatch for test_convergence which makes a ConvergenceSimulation type. This type already has a plot recipe, so plotting functionality will already be embedded. This requires that your problem can take in a true solution, and has a field errors which is a dictionary of symbols for the different error estimates (L2,L infinity, etc.)

After these steps, update the documentation to include the new problem types and the new associated solvers.